Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentations by Keyword

Keywords : 堆積物

101 results (91 - 100)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-SS Seismology

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Kanagawa Kyuichi(Graduate School of Science, Chiba University), Takashi Furumura(Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research (CIDIR) Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo), Shuichi Kodaira Shuichi(Institute for Research on Earth Evolution Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Masanobu Shishikura(Active Fault and Earthquake Research Center, GSJ/AIST)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-SS Seismology

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Kanagawa Kyuichi(Graduate School of Science, Chiba University), Takashi Furumura(Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research (CIDIR) Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo), Shuichi Kodaira Shuichi(Institute for Research on Earth Evolution Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Masanobu Shishikura(Active Fault and Earthquake Research Center, GSJ/AIST)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-SS Seismology

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Kanagawa Kyuichi(Graduate School of Science, Chiba University), Takashi Furumura(Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research (CIDIR) Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo), Shuichi Kodaira Shuichi(Institute for Research on Earth Evolution Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Masanobu Shishikura(Active Fault and Earthquake Research Center, GSJ/AIST)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-SS Seismology

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:48 AM 502 (5F)

Convener:*Takashi AZUMA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Nobuhiko Sugito(Faculty of Humanity and Environment, Hosei University), Satoshi Tonai(Department of Applied Science, Faculty of Scienece, Kochi University), Toshikazu Yoshioka(Active Fault and Earthquake Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Chair:Taku Komatsubara(Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Nobuhiko Sugito(Faculty of Humanity and Environment, Hosei University)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-VC Volcanology

Fri. May 2, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 315 (3F)

Convener:*Yujiro Suzuki(Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Satoshi Okumura(Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Tomofumi Kozono(Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Chair:Satoshi Okumura(Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Koji Kiyosugi(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-VC Volcanology

Thu. May 1, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 411 (4F)

Convener:*Teruki Oikawa(Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Daisuke MIURA(Geosphere Sciences, Civil Engineering Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry), Takeshi Hasegawa(Department of Earth Sciences, College of Science, Ibaraki University), Nobuo Geshi(Geological Survey of Japan, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Yoshihiro Ishizuka(Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Chair:Maya Yasui(College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University), Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto(Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-VC Volcanology

Thu. May 1, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Oikawa Teruki(Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Daisuke MIURA(Geosphere Sciences, Civil Engineering Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry), Takeshi Hasegawa Takeshi(Department of Earth Sciences, College of Science, Ibaraki University), Nobuo Geshi(Geological Survey of Japan, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Yoshihiro Ishizuka(Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-VC Volcanology

Thu. May 1, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Aoki Yosuke(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Mie Ichihara(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol U (Union)
  • | Union

Thu. May 1, 2014 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM 502 (5F)

Convener:*Manabu Hashimoto(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Hitoshi Kawakatsu(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Satoshi Kaneshima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University), Daisuke Suetsugu(Institute of Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chair:Manabu Hashimoto(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Satoshi Kaneshima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol U (Union)
  • | Union

Thu. May 1, 2014 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM 502 (5F)

Convener:*Manabu Hashimoto(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Hitoshi Kawakatsu(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Satoshi Kaneshima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University), Daisuke Suetsugu(Institute of Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chair:Manabu Hashimoto(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Satoshi Kaneshima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University)