Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

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[O-01_29AM2] Education for disaster-prevention and community-restoration -3

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM 503 (5F)

Convener:*Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School), Satoshi Miyajima(Saitama prefectural Fukaya dai-ichi High School), Hiroo Nemoto(J.F.Oberlin University), Hitoshi Nakai(none), Chair:Satoshi Miyajima(Saitama prefectural Fukaya dai-ichi High School)

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

[O01-05] Natural Disaster in The World

*Yoshiaki KAWATA1 (1.Faculty of Safety Science)

Keywords:Natural disaster, Global warming, Vicious cycle

Natural disasters have two characteristics. The former is that disaster history repeats itself and the latter is locality. In Istanbul, Turkey, plate boundary earthquakes have occurred 27 times since 438. Mayon Volcano, Philippines had erupted 50 times in 400 years since 17th century, therefore average time interval is 8 years. In Asia, natural disasters hold a certain percent of the world such as number of occurrences : 36%, property damage : 47%, death toll : 62% and number of injured : 89%. The last two has increased due to rapid growth of population in urban area. The combination with gigantic earthquake and tsunami and volcano eruption had occurred in Japan as 1) 864 to 887 with Mt. Fuji eruption, Jougan earthquake and tsunami and Nankai-trough earthquake and 2) 1703 to 1707 with Genroku earthquake in Tokyo, Nankai-trough earthquake and Mt. Fuji eruption. We are now under clear effect of global warming. For example, in South Asia, the number of flooding has increased nearly twice in next ten years. Since 1995 in China, river flood disasters occurred five time with the victims of more than one hundred million. In 2005, hurricane Katrina with category 5 hit New Orleans and just three weeks after hurricane Rita also hit the damaged area. She was also category 5 and they made compound disaster. Finally, we proposed vicious cycle among population increase, disaster occurrence and poverty in rural area and urban area. The pair of two vortexes is very stable, therefore it is necessary to become economic growth to break the voltexes.