


セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-HW 水文・陸水・地下水学・水環境

[A-HW16] 流域生態系の水及び物質の輸送と循環-源流域から沿岸域まで-

2016年5月26日(木) 15:30 〜 16:45 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 6ホール)

コンビーナ:*吉川 省子(農業環境技術研究所)、小林 政広(国立研究開発法人森林総合研究所)、奥田 昇(総合地球環境学研究所)、小野寺 真一(広島大学大学院総合科学研究科)、知北 和久(北海道大学大学院理学研究院地球惑星科学部門)、入野 智久(北海道大学 大学院地球環境科学研究院)、中屋 眞司(信州大学工学部水環境・土木工学科)、齋藤 光代(岡山大学大学院環境生命科学研究科)

15:30 〜 16:45

[AHW16-P17] Assessment of the spatial distribution of submarine groundwater and associated nutrients discharge along the Ikuchi Island coastline, Seto Inland Sea, Japan


*Aiping Zhu1Shin-ichi Onodera1Yuta Shimizu2Mitsuyo Saito3Guangzhe Jin1 (1.Graduate School of Integrated and Arts Sciences, Hiroshima University、2.National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Western Region Agricultural Research Center、3.Grated School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University)

キーワード:Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), Radon, Nutrients , Ikuchi Island

Ikuchi Island located in the central Seto Inland Sea, is an example of a classic oceanic island with no large rivers, high shoreline-to-land area ratio and steep topography. Due to small annual precipitation (1100mm) with large inter-annual variation, the island faces a risk of water shortage, especially in dry seasons. As an alternative water resource, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) could potentially substitute as a water supply for irrigation. Estimation of SGD along the coastline is therefore crucial to develop a sustainable water management plan for people living in the island. What’s more, Onodera et al. (2007) found that nitrate contamination of groundwater in Ikuchi Island was very serious, thus, the spatial distribution of SGD and associated nutrient fluxes along the shoreline of Ikuchi Island may also be important for reducing the occurrence of eutrophication in Seto Inland Sea.
To analyze the spatial distribution of SGD and associated nutrients, we performed a continuous 222Rn and conductivity (EC) monitoring survey on a boat along the shoreline during December 22th, 2015. The total SGD flux was estimated to be 8.60×106 m3 yr-1 based on the 222Rn mass balance, which was in reasonable agreement with results obtained from the Darcy’s law (8.53×106m3 yr-1) and water balance calculation (8.55×106 m3 yr-1). A strong pattern in the spatial distribution of SGD was observed, with the highest values (>2.5 cm d-1) located along the western part of the island due to the steepest topography and much lower population. The results from a nutrient analysis of the groundwater indicated that the associated nutrient fluxes loading through the SGD pathway were 109.6×106, 2.980×106, and 439.8×106 g yr-1 for DIN, DIP and DSi, respectively, which were comparable to or even higher than the levels observed in the local streams. Therefore, adequate attention should be paid to the importance of SGD as one source of nutrients during the eutrophication controls process in this area.