10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
[G04-04] Web service for active learning in Geoscience
Keywords:Geoscience, Active learning, Web service, Cross-Cutting Comparisons, Dagik Earth
It gets more important to educate about the Earth’s environment as the global warming and following unusual meteorological phenomena become serious problems every year. On the other hand, the recent education gives weight ‘active learning’: not only provide new knowledge, but also make students find problems and come up with the conclusion. So, we made a new web service, C3 (Cross-Cutting Comparisons/; http://www.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/C3/). The feature of the C3 is interactive interface. Even for a beginning student can check various geoscience data because of the leading input form. It also provides free scale adjustment, group working by using URL query and pseud 3d display (Dagik Earth; http://www.dagik.net/english/), which help in understanding various phenomena on Earth. In this presentation, we introduce the practice of the active learning by using C3.