*Masaki Okada1, Masaki Kanao1, Akira Kadokura1
(1.National Institute of Polar Research)
Keywords:Antarctic Research, Database, Open Science
Syowa Station, Antarctica, can now be reached via Intelsat satellite link , whose band withd is 3Mbps for 24hs. Most observation systems are controlled from Japan and summary data can be viewed in real time. Although hi-resolution raw data has to be shipped from the station using Shirase and we have to wait for the precise analysis by the investigators. Satellite link can carry more than 10TB every year. Thus huge amount of data can be transfered and open not only for research community but also for public.
National Institute of Polar Research is now preparing for servicing DOI indexing for the antarctic observation data. This will archiving more widely opened data accessibility of the Antarctic observation data and will accelerate science opportunity.
Current status of our data policy and provision will be presented in this talk.