*Katsuaki Koike1, Nguyen Tien Hoang1, Shuho Noda2, Yukie Asano2, Yuu Kawakami2, Kazuo Masuda2 (1.Laboratory of Environmental Geosphere Engineering, Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, 2.Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC))
Yuu Kawakami
Speaker, Author, Co-Author
Sun. May 26, 2019 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)
- [J] Poster
- | M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
- | M-GI General Geosciences, Information Geosciences & Simulations
Sun. May 26, 2019 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)
- [J] Poster
- | M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
- | M-GI General Geosciences, Information Geosciences & Simulations
*Katsuaki Koike1, Nguyen Tien Hoang1, Shuho Noda2, Yukie Asano2, Yuu Kawakami2, Kazuo Masuda2 (1.Laboratory of Environmental Geosphere Engineering, Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, 2.Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC))