*ONO Kenji1, Rempei SUWA2, Rene ROLLON3, Ariel C. BLANCO3, Giannina MARIE G. ALBANO3, Green ANN A. CRUZ3, Yasumin H. PRIMAVERA-TIROL4, Ronald J. MALIO4, Kazuo NADAOKA5 (1.Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 2.Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Science, 3.University of the Philippines, 4.Aklan State University, 5.Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Ronald J. MALIO
Speaker, Author, Co-Author
Sun. May 26, 2019 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)
- [J] Poster
- | H (Human Geosciences )
- | H-CG Complex & General
Sun. May 26, 2019 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)
- [J] Poster
- | H (Human Geosciences )
- | H-CG Complex & General
*ONO Kenji1, Rempei SUWA2, Rene ROLLON3, Ariel C. BLANCO3, Giannina MARIE G. ALBANO3, Green ANN A. CRUZ3, Yasumin H. PRIMAVERA-TIROL4, Ronald J. MALIO4, Kazuo NADAOKA5 (1.Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 2.Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Science, 3.University of the Philippines, 4.Aklan State University, 5.Tokyo Institute of Technology)