Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019

Session information

[J] Oral

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[O-08] How to make the image of the earth's phenomenon to the general people in the Geopark

Sun. May 26, 2019 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Convention Hall B (2F)

convener:Noritaka Matsubara(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), Yayoi ICHIHASHI(Sado Island Geopark Promotion Office), Hokuto Obara(Mine-Akiyoshidai Karst Plateau Geopark Promotion Council), Marekazu OHNO(Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark Promotion Office), Chairperson:Yayoi Ichihashi, Hokuto Obara, Hiroko Imai, Suzuka Koriyama(San'in Kaigan Geopark Promotion Council), Noritaka Matsubara(兵庫県立大学大学院)

unesco global geoparks give international recognition for sites that promote the importance and significance of protecting the Earth's geodiversity through actively engaging with the local communities. in order for the general people to understand the earth's activity, it is necessary to imagine the phenomenon of the earth. in this session, we discuss about how to make the image of the earth's phenomenon to the general people in the Geopark.



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