*Song Lu1, Youhei Yamashita2, Tomohisa Irino2, Toshihiro Tada3, Ryuji Tada3 (1.Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University , 2.Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, 3.Department of Earth and Planetary Science , Graduate School of Science, The University, of Tokyo)
Song Lu
Speaker, Author, Co-Author
One-off sessions
- [E] Poster
- | M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
- | M-IS Intersection
One-off sessions
- [E] Oral
- | M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
- | M-IS Intersection
*Song Lu1, Yoshie Nakai1, Youhei Yamashita2, Tomohisa Irino2, Yuzo Miyazaki3, Ryuji Tada4, Takeshi Nakagawa5 (1.Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University , 2.Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, 3.Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University , 4.Department of Earth and Planetary Science , Graduate School of Science, The University, of Tokyo , 5.Research Center for Palaeoclimatology, Ritsumeikan University)