JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Joshua P Emery



  • [E] 口頭発表
  • | セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学)
  • | P-PS 惑星科学

*Alan R Hildebrand1Lincoln TJ Hanton1Fabio Ciceri1Olivier S Barnouin2Michael G Daly3Jeff A Seabrook3Benjamin Rozitis4Joshua P Emery5Daniella N DellaGiustina6Bashar Rizk6Michael C Nolan6Dante S Lauretta6Catherine Johnson10Daniel J Scheeres7Edward B Bierhaus8Paul Sanchez9 (1.Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada、2.The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, USA、3.The Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada、4.The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK、5.Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA、6.Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA、7.Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA、8.Lockheed Martin Space, Littleton, CO, USA、9.Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA、10.Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)