convener:Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School), Yoshihiro Niwa(Center for Ocean Literacy and Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo)
Masatsune Hatakeyama
Convener, Chairperson
One-off sessions
- [J] Oral
- | G (General )
- | General
One-off sessions
- [J] Oral
- | G (General )
- | General
convener:Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School), Yoshihiro Niwa(Center for Ocean Literacy and Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo)
One-off sessions
- [J] Poster
- | G (General )
- | General
convener:Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School), Yoshihiro Niwa(Center for Ocean Literacy and Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo)