*Sun-Cheon Park1, Mikyung Choi1, Seolhan You1, Jong Sook Park1, Duk Kee Lee1 (1.Korea Meteorological Administration)
[E] Poster
S (Solid Earth Sciences ) » S-SS Seismology
convener:Takashi Tonegawa(Research and Development center for Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Takeshi Akuhara(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Pascal Audet(University of Ottawa), Taka'aki Taira(Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley)
Seismic observations in the oceans have been steadily increasing in the last two decades due to continued deployments and recent advances in temporary arrays and permanent (cabled) networks including seismometers, hydrophones, and pressure gauges. The use of ocean data on the seafloor and in the seawater has compelled the community to create/modify data processing techniques, with exciting new findings on, e.g., seismicity, wave phenomena, seismic structures from active and passive surveys, and underwater phenomena. Some of these studies may be related to environmental seismology in the ocean. The purpose of this session is to share recent advances in seismology from data obtained in the oceans, including new seismicity and seismic velocity, progress in instrumentation, data processing on active and passive seismic approaches, characterization of ambient noise, e.g., microseisms and infragravity waves, as well as challenges in suppressing contamination from ocean-related noise.
*Sun-Cheon Park1, Mikyung Choi1, Seolhan You1, Jong Sook Park1, Duk Kee Lee1 (1.Korea Meteorological Administration)
*Takashi Tonegawa1, Kiwamu Nishida2, Yoshio Fukao1 (1.Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2.Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
Ryuichi Kunugi1, *Naoki Suda1 (1.Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
*Pascal Audet1, Martha K Savage2, Anne Sheehan3, Kimihiro Mochizuki4 (1.University of Ottawa, 2.Victoria University of Wellington, 3.University of Colorado at Boulder, 4.University of Tokyo)
*Tomoya Takano1,2, Florent Brenguier1, Pierre Boue1, Ryota Takagi3, Kaoru Sawazaki4, Tetsuya Takeda4, Yosuke Aoki2, Kiwamu Nishida2 (1.Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 2.Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 3.Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 4.NIED)
*Kaoru Sawazaki1, Takeshi Nakamura1 (1.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
*Chih-Chieh Chien6, Ying-Nien Chen3, Yuancheng Gung6, Ban-Yuan Kuo1, Shu-Huei Hung6, Eh Tan1, Kate Huihsuan Chen5, Shuichi Kodaira2, Yasushi Ishihara2, Mamoru Nakamura8, Chau-Chang Wang4,7, Ching-Ren Lin1 (1.Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan, 3.National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, 4.National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 5.National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, 6.National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 7.Taiwan Ocean Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 8.University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan)
*Shun Fukushima1, Kiyoshi Yomogida2 (1.Hokkaido University,Graduate school of Science,Department of Natural History Sciences,Seismology Laboratory , 2.Department of Earth and Planetary Dynamics, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University)
*Miyuu Uemura1, Yoshihiro Ito2, Kazuaki Ohta3, Ryota Hino4, Masanao Shinohara5 (1.Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 2.Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 3.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, 4.Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 5.Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)
*Yukihiro Nakatani1, Hiroshi Yakiwara1, Shuichiro Hirano2, Reiji Kobayashi2, Hiroki Miyamachi2, Shigeru Nakao2, Yusuke Yamashita3, Kazunari Uchida4, Takeshi Matsushima4, Hiroshi Shimizu4, Kazuo Nakahigashi5, Tomoaki Yamada6, Hideji Abe7, Masanao Shinohara7 (1.Nansei-Toko Observatory for Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Kagoshima University, 2.Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University, 3.Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 4.Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, 5.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 6.Japan Meteorological Agency, 7.Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo)
*Takeshi Nakamura1, Ryoichi Iwase2 (1.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, 2.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
*Alastair Fenwick1, Bruce Townsend1, Andrew Moores1, Ted Somerville1, Sylvain Pigeon1 (1.Nanometrics Inc)