JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-OS 海洋科学・海洋環境

[A-OS20] 沿岸域における混合,渦,内部波に関わる諸物理現象

コンビーナ:永井 平(東京大学理学系研究科)、堤 英輔(東京大学大気海洋研究所)、増永 英治(Ibaraki University)

[AOS20-07] Effects of the wind forcing on a shallow lake associated with the lake size and stratification

*浅岡 大輝1増永 英治1小室 俊輔2北村 立実2 (1.茨城大学、2.霞ケ浦環境科学センター)


This study shows effects of the wind forcing on a shallow lake associated with the lake size and stratification. Mixing in lakes and reservoirs are frequently evaluated by using nondimensional parameters, for example the Wedderbrun number (We). We can be estimated for a steady state wind condition or computed by using time averaged wind data, however, winds largely vary within several hours or less. Time scales associated with mixing in a shallow lake were investigated using a two dimensional (x-z) numerical simulator, SUNTANS. Several conditions of the horizontal scale of the modeled lake, stratification and wind speed were used in simulations with We ranging 0.1–10. This study employees two time scales: (1) time scale required for a steady state temperature distribution estimated from the tilt of the thermocline, Ts, and (2) time scale required for complete vertical mixing, Tmix.Tmix is computed from change in the potential energy. Numerical results showed that Ts linearly decreases with decreasing in the stratification or increasing in the horizontal distance under a same We condition. Tmix also increased when the stratification decreased or the horizontal distance increased under a same We condition. A quarter of the internal seiche period (Ti) was calculated using a stratification and a horizontal distance. Numerical results showed a linear relationship between Ti and Ts. Moreover, a quarter of Ti was fundamentally shorter than Tmix under a same stratification and horizontal distance. This implies that the lower limit of the mixing time scale is determined by a quarter of Ti.