JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-TT 計測技術・研究手法

[M-TT49] 人新世における高精細地形・地球物理データの活用

コンビーナ:早川 裕弌(北海道大学地球環境科学研究院)、楠本 成寿(富山大学大学院理工学研究部(都市デザイン学))、Christopher A Gomez(神戸大学 海事科学部 海域火山リスク科学研究室)

[MTT49-P02] Monitoring Soil Erosion Changes by SBAS-InSAR Technology

*Yu-Chi Hsieh1Shen Yu Hsiao1 (1.National Chung Hsing University)

キーワード:SBAS-InSAR, Soil Erosion, Erosion Pin

This study uses the Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique to analyze the soil erosion mass changes in the past 7 years at four major reservoir areas in Taiwan. Four major reservoirs include Shimen, Tseng-Wen, Techi, and Nanhua reservoirs where are averagely distributed in northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The method for deriving soil erosion changes is based on Small Baseline Set Algorithm (SBAS). The radar satellite data used in this study is from the missions of Sentinel and ALOS PALSAR. The software for data processing is GMTSAR. The changes of the soil erosion monitored by SBAS-InSAR will be mutually verified with those measured by the erosion pins. It is expected that with this study, the erosion degree of the slopes of the four reservoir areas can be accurately calculated to provide important references in the fields of hydraulic engineering, and soil and water conservation.