JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] ポスター発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-EM 太陽地球系科学・宇宙電磁気学・宇宙環境

[P-EM12] 大気圏ー電離圏結合

コンビーナ:Huixin Liu(九州大学理学研究院地球惑星科学専攻 九州大学宙空環境研究センター)、大塚 雄一(名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所)、Yue Deng(University of Texas at Arlington)、Loren Chang(Institute of Space Science, National Central University)

[PEM12-P19] Fireball-associated variations in the D-region ionosphere observed using VLF/LF transmitter signals

*鈴木 威流1大矢 浩代2土屋 史紀3塩川 和夫4中田 裕之2 (1.千葉大学大学院融合理工学府、2.千葉大学大学院工学研究院、3.東北大学大学院理学研究科、4.名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所)

Meteors and fireballs are known to ionize the D-region and lower E-region ionospheres at 80-120 km heights [Davies, 1966]. The fireballs are meteors that the magnitude of brightness is larger than -4 based on the IAU (International Astronomy Union) definition. TID (traveling ionospheric disturbance) associated with the Chelyabinsk meteoroid in Russia was reported based on GPS-TEC (total electron content) observations [Perevalova et al., 2015]. The amplitude of the TEC variations was 0.07-0.5 TECU, and the period was 10 minutes. The epicenter of the TID was airburst point at 20-30 km heights of the meteoroid, and the velocities were 250-660 m/s. However, few quantitative studies for the lower ionosphere associated with meteors and fireballs have been reported. In this study, we investigate the variation in the lower ionosphere during a fireball occurred in Hokkaido, using VLF (very low frequency, 3-30 kHz) / LF (low frequency, 30-300 kHz) transmitter signals. The VLF/LF transmitter signals are reflected in the lower ionosphere and are sensitive for variations in electron density in the lower ionosphere. The transmitters used in this study were JJY40kHz (Fukushima, Japan, 37.37°N, 140.85°E), JJY60kHz (Saga, Japan, 33.47°N, 130.18°E), and JJI (Miyazaki, Japan, 22.2 kHz, 32.05°N, 130.82°E). The receiver was located at RKB (Rikubetsu, Japan, 43.45°N, 143.77°E). Periodic variations of 100-200 s were identified by a wavelet transformation of the signal intensities for the JJY40kHz-RKB, JJY60kHz-RKB, and JJI-RKB paths at about five minutes (12:01 UT) after the fireball. The phases of the JJY40kHz-RKB and JJY60kHz-RKB paths had similar periods of 100-200 s at that time. We consider that these variations of intensity and phase are caused by the D-region variations due to acoustic waves in the atmosphere excited by the fireball. If the acoustic waves were excited at the luminous point (118 km altitude), the VLF/LF reflection point (90 km altitude) or vanishing point (25 km altitude) of the fireball, the propagation times of the acoustic waves from the exited point to the LF reflection point at 90 km height over RKB were calculated to be 138 s, 126 s, or 311 s, respectively. The arrival time (311 s) of the acoustic waves excited from the vanishing point at the 25-km altitude agrees with the onset timing of the VLF/LF variations (~5 minutes), suggesting that the acoustic waves excited from the fireball caused the variations in electron density in the D-region ionosphere. We will also show results with another fireball event over Nagano, Japan, at 13:00 UT on 12 November, 2019, and discuss the fireball effects on the lower ionosphere.