Exhibitors' information
Oxford Instruments KK
◆Providing leading-edge tools
Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis provides leading-edge tools that enable materials characterisation and sample manipulation at the nanometre scale. Used on electron microscopes (SEM and TEM) and ion-beam systems (FIB), our tools are used for R&D across a wide range of academic and industrial applications including semiconductor, renewable energy, mining, metallurgy and forensics.◆Exhibitors' Seminar 2021 4th June Fri. 11:30-12:15 JST Ch.17
Quantitative EDS Explained ‐ For reliable quantitative analysis
Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) provides elemental information in seconds. In this talk, the EDS spectral processing and quantification method will be explained based on AZtecLive system. Upgrade your EDS operating skills and knowledge to the "Master Class".
◆ AZtecLive Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy(EDS)
AZtecLive is a revolutionary new approach to EDS analysis that enables a radical change in the way users perform sample investigation in the SEM. It combines a live electron image with live X-ray chemical imaging to give an intuitive new way of interacting with your samples.See More
◆ AZtecWave Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy(WDS)
AZtecWave combines the unique power of WDS to resolve X-ray peaks and quantify minor and trace elements with the speed and flexibility of EDS. EDS and WDS Wave Spectrometer operation is fully integrated into the AZtec software, guaranteeing maximum accessibility to users with all levels of expertise and Tru-Q® processing technology for the most accurate results. When microanalysis is at its most challenging, AZtecWave provides accurate answers, fast.See More
◆ AZtecHKL Electron Backscatter Diffraction(EBSD)
The most powerful EBSD software available, AZtecHKL combines speed and accuracy of results for routine analysis, with the flexibility and power required for applications that push the frontiers of EBSD. See More
◆What's New 

The powerful, automated, Mineral Liberation Analysis solution. It enables ore characterisation, provides vital data on metal recovery and enables process yield characterisation using multipurpose SEMs. It is also a valuable tool for the characterisation of rocks in research environments, enabling the automation of otherwise laborious optical analyses. Exploiting the performance of up to 4 of Oxford Instruments’ large area SDDs (Ultim Max), it provides accurate classification of minerals at speeds comparable to dedicated systems – but with the flexibility to perform other investigations as required. See More
・Application Note
Fast Characterisation of Minerals with Similar Crystal Structures
Application Library

To find application notes in geology, click here

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◆Contact Us

①31st May Mon.13:00-14:00 JST
②4th June Fri.14:00-15:00 JST
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