Exhibitors' information
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS journal)
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Fields Covered
PEPS publishes papers in each of the six JpGU science sections:
-Atmospheric and
Hydrospheric Sciences
-Human Geosciences
-Solid Earth Sciences
-Interdisciplinary research
(research which covers two or more of the other five science sections)
Recently, there has been an increase in submitting papers for the interdisciplinary research section across multiple research fields, centering on studying natural hazards.
Types of Article
PEPS is devoted to high-quality original articles, ”reviews” and ”papers with full data attached”.PEPS encourages papers with full data attached: papers with full data attached are scientific articles that preserve the full detailed raw research data and metadata which were gathered in their preparation and make these data freely available to the research community for further analysis.

About 20% of our articles are review articles that provide a systematic summary of the newest developments in their cover.
Now, the collection of review abstracts have been completed.
>>Extract of Review articles abstract collection
Citation Impact 2020

- 5-year Impact Factor: 3.784
- Scopus/CiteScore(2020): 4.7
- SJR: 1.138 ( SCImago Journal Rank )
- SNIP: 1.656 (Source Normalized Impact per Paper)
APC (Article Processing Charge
- JpGU member: €1,040- Non-member: €1,300
- Review articles: €1,040
- Invited articles: JpGU bears all costs. (100% discount)
SPEPS(SPecial call for Excellent Papers on hot topicS)article collections
SPEPS is an open-type special issue that Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS) provides aiming to publish presentations delivered at the Japan Geoscience Union Annual Meetings, international symposiums, and the results of research projects etc.We are also looking for new SPEPS proposals.
Please consider SPEPS collections as an effective method to make public session presentations at JpGU Meeting 2021 or the results of research projects.

Pleistocene transition in the Chiba composite section, Japan,and other reference sections in East Asia

laboratory analyses

High-definition topographic and geophysical data in geosciences
... and more>>
PEPS Office
Japan Geoscience Union, 2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0032, Japan -
Web site, SNS
http://progearthplanetsci.org/index.html https://progearthplanetsci.springeropen.com/