Exhibitors' information
Remote sensing society of Japan
What is 'Remote Sensing'?
Remote Sensing is the science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects mainly the Earth and its environment through electromagnetic wave observed by sensor systems on a satellite or other platforms.The word, ‘Remote Sensing’, spread in 1970s with the launch of Landsat satellites. Remote Sensing has been used not only for natural science to understand global/local environment but also for many practical applications such as resource management, mapping, etc.
The features of satellite remote sensing are as follows.
1. Observation of wide area almost at the same time (wide area simultaneity).
2. Observation regularly at a fixed cycle (repetitiveness).
3. Observation not only in visible light but also in various wavelength bands (multi-wavelength).
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ)
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ) was established in 1981 to promote the exchange of research activities, and to contribute to developing the techniques on remote sensing.The activity of RSSJ covers a wide range of fields such as environmental monitoring, meteorology, ocean, ecology, geography, surveying, geology, resource exploration, agriculture and forestry, fisheries, civil engineering, architecture, information, measurement, machinery, space development, and administration.

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