09:00 〜 09:15
*石井 貴之1,2、大谷 栄治3 (1.バイロイト大学バイエルン地球科学研究所、2.北京高压科学研究中心、3.東北大学)
[E] 口頭発表
セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-IT 地球内部科学・地球惑星テクトニクス
2021年6月4日(金) 09:00 〜 10:30 Ch.23 (Zoom会場23)
コンビーナ:大谷 栄治(東北大学大学院理学研究科地学専攻)、北 佐枝子(建築研究所)、中村 美千彦(東北大学大学院理学研究科地学専攻地球惑星物質科学講座)、Mysen Bjorn(Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Inst. Washington)、座長:大谷 栄治(東北大学大学院理学研究科地学専攻)、北 佐枝子(建築研究所)
The mass transfer depends on properties of the Earth's materials and geodynamic processes including cold slab subduction and magmatism due to hot plume activity. The mass transfer processes are imaged by geophysical observations such as seismic tomography and electrical conductivity profiles. One of the most important processes to transport volatiles is the slab subduction. The degree of hydration and dehydration in the slab is essential to evaluate amounts of volatiles transported into the deep mantle. Hydration and dehydration in the slab directly related to slab earthquakes, deformation of the slabs, and the arc magmatism. The fate of the fluid dehydrated in the deep slab is also a debated issue since permeability at the depth may be small, and the fluid might be trapped in the slabs and transported in the deep earth's interior at that depths without escaping to the mantle wedge. Recent seismic tomographic studies of the slab revealed direct observations of hydration and dehydration sites in the slabs. There exists growing evidence for alteration and hydration of the old lithosphere due to fracturing and Putit spot volcanisms which affect the volatile transport into the deep mantle due to slab subduction. The mass transfer to the surface can also be observed as the volcanic eruption in which phase separation of magma and fluid, and crystallization during the magma ascent controls the type of eruptions. The proposed session will focus on those phenomena including laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, and geophysical and geochemical observations including physical and chemical properties of magma and fluid, and geophysical imaging of various scales including seismic tomography of the descending slabs, and monitoring of near surface processes of volcanic eruptions. Contributions to any of these subjects are encouraged. We also encourage papers stimulating an interdisciplinary collaboration relating to establishment of the SEDI-Japan community.
09:00 〜 09:15
*石井 貴之1,2、大谷 栄治3 (1.バイロイト大学バイエルン地球科学研究所、2.北京高压科学研究中心、3.東北大学)
09:15 〜 09:30
*Enrico Marzotto1、Wen-Pin Hsieh2,3、Takayuki Ishii1、Keng-Hsien Chao4、Gregor Golabek1、Marcel Thielmann1、Yi-Chi Tsao2、Jung-Fu Lin5、Eiji Ohtani6 (1.Bayerisches Geoinstitut (BGI), University of Bayreuth, Germany、2.Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 、3.Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 、4.Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Hawaii、5.Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 、6.Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
09:30 〜 09:45
*Songqiao Shawn Wei1、Dongdong Tian1、Fan Wang1、Wei Wang2 (1.Michigan State University、2.University of Southern California)
09:45 〜 10:00
*土山 絢子1、中島 淳一1 (1.東京工業大学理学院地球惑星科学系)
10:00 〜 10:15
*橋間 昭徳1、岩崎 貴哉1、佐藤 比呂志1、篠原 雅尚1、石山 達也1、蔵下 英司1、Becker Thorsten3、Freed Andrew2 (1.東京大学地震研究所、2.パーデュー大学、3.テキサス大学オースティン校)
10:15 〜 10:30
*大内 智博1、肥後 祐司2、丹下 慶範2、境 毅1、入舩 徹男1,3 (1.愛媛大学地球深部ダイナミクス研究センター、2.高輝度光科学研究センター、3.東京工業大学地球生命研究所)