1:45 PM - 1:50 PM
Session information
[J] Oral
S (Solid Earth Sciences ) » S-IT Science of the Earth's Interior & Techtonophysics
[S-IT21] Innovation through the Integration of Solid Earth Science and Materials Science
Thu. Jun 3, 2021 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Ch.24 (Zoom Room 24)
convener:Kenji Kawai(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science, University of Tokyo), Jun Tsuchiya(Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University), Ryuichi Nomura(Kyoto University), Satoshi Ohmura(Hiroshima Institute of Technology), Chairperson:Kenji Kawai(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science, University of Tokyo), Ryuichi Nomura(Kyoto University)
In recent years, collaborative studies on the physical and chemical properties of the Earth's interior, at depths from the mantle to the Earth's core, and on the formation and evolution of the Earth, have led to the elucidation of the dynamic behavior of deep Earth materials, such as core-mantle interaction and coevolution. This session will bring together researchers in Earth science and materials science to exchange information on the development of new technologies, which have the potential to revolutionize studies of the deep Earth's interior. These technologies include high-resolution electron microscopy, large-scale multi-scale computation, and machine-learning methods that allow us to design materials at an atomic scale.
1:50 PM - 2:20 PM
[SIT21-02] Time-resolved transmission electron microscopy toward operando-measurement in geoscience
★Invited Papers
*Kuwahara Makoto1 (1.Nagoya University)
2:20 PM - 2:35 PM
*Jun Tsuchiya1, Sayako Inoue1 (1.Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University)
2:35 PM - 3:05 PM
*Satoshi Ohmura1, Taku Tsuchiya2 (1.Hiroshima Institute of Technology, 2.Ehime Univ.)
3:05 PM - 3:15 PM