2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
[ACG36-14] Enhancement of Integrated Satellite Simulators for Data Assimilation
Keywords:GPM, DPR, Data assimilation
In this study, the DPR is simulated using the predictions of the Meso-Scale Model at JMA. The hydrometeors of targets to simulate are cloud water, rain, cloud ice, snow, and graupel. The particles of snow and cloud ice are assumed to be non-spherical particles. The attenuation by the hydrometeors is taken into account in the calculation of the reflectivity. The observation error characteristics are discussed by comparing the simulation and the observation. We will show not only the observation error characteristics of KuPR and KaPR, but also the error characteristics of DFRm, which includes the outer swath KaPR in DPR-L2 V06X. The effects of DPR data assimilation expected from the Jacobian of the observation operator will be shown in the presentation.