Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021

Presentation information

[J] Poster

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-HW Hydrology & Water Environment

[A-HW23] Isotope Hydrology 2021

Sun. Jun 6, 2021 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Ch.08

convener:Masaya Yasuhara(Rissho Univ.), Kohei Kazahaya(Geological Survey of Japan, AIST), Shinji Ohsawa(Institute for Geothermal Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Kazuyoshi Asai(Geo Science Laboratory)

5:15 PM - 6:30 PM

[AHW23-P01] Detection of slab-derived fluid in saline ground water collected from coastal area of Seto Inland Sea, Japan

★Invited Papers

*Yoko Togo1, Kohei Kazahaya1, Yuki Tosaki1, Masaaki Takahashi1, Noritoshi Morikawa1, Hiroshi A Takahashi1, Yuri Nakamura1, Akihiko Inamura1, Hinako Shimizu1, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki2 (1.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2.University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Slab-derived fluid, Halogen, Groundwater

Southwest Japan is a place where slab-derived fluid supplies as hydrothermal fluids in the forearc region, as typified by the Arima hot springs (Kazahaya et al., 2014). In this study, oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios, Li/Cl, Br/Cl, I/Cl ratios, and iodine isotope ratios of saline groundwater and spring water collected in Hiroshima, Hyogo, and Kagawa prefectures (Shodo-shima) were analyzed to investigate halogen characteristics of slab-derived fluid.

The chlorine concentrations in the groundwater samples ranged from 1760 to 16600 mg/L. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios indicated that the samples from the western area with high chlorine concentrations were mainly seawater, while the samples from the eastern area with low chlorine concentrations were mainly meteoric water. According to Kazahaya et al. (2014), high Li/Cl ratios of groundwater are characteristic of slab-derived fluids. The Li/Cl ratio of groundwater was higher in the eastern area, suggesting the presence of slab-derived fluid. The samples with high Li/Cl ratios were characterized by low Br/Cl ratios and high I/Cl ratios compared to seawater. In addition, iodine isotope ratios (129I/127I) showed relatively lower in the eastern region (i.e., older iodine age), suggesting that low iodine isotope ratios are characteristic of slab-derived fluids in this region. The characteristics of halogen ratios and iodine isotope ratios of slab-derived fluids should be investigated and compared in various regions for further investigation.