Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021

Presentation information

[J] Oral

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-OS Ocean Sciences & Ocean Environment

[A-OS15] Ocean circulation and material cycle in coastal seas

Fri. Jun 4, 2021 10:45 AM - 12:05 PM Ch.09 (Zoom Room 09)

convener:Naoki Furuichi(Fisheries Technology Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency), Akihiko Morimoto(Ehime University), Kazuhiko Ichimi(Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University), Daisuke Takahashi(Tokai University), Chairperson:Naoki Furuichi(Fisheries Technology Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency), Akihiko Morimoto(Ehime University), Tomaso Esposti Ongaro(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy), Sakshi Ramesh Shiradhonkar (Department of Environment Systems, University of Tokyo)

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

[AOS15-07] Observation of a river front using drones

*Kentaro Takami1, Shinichiro Kida2, Atsuhiko Isobe2 (1.Kyushu University Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, 2.Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)

Keywords:River front, Drones, Infrared camera, Rotating tank

A river front is known to form between seawater and riverine water. To understand the physical process of river water dispersing to the ocean in coastal areas, it is necessary to clarify the spatial structure and temporal changes of the river front. In this study, we imitated remote sensing observations of a river front using drones by observing the river front reproduced within a rotating tank. The rotating tank is circular and rotates at a constant speed. After introducing river water into the tank, images were taken with a visible camera and an infrared camera from above and with an underwater camera near the outlet. The visible images showed the river water forming a bulge and a flow along the wall that branches off from the bulge. The infrared images showed vortices forming within the bulge. The underwater images showed river water mixing with seawater below. Since bathymetry is often shallow and river water can be in contact with the bottom, we plan to investigate river plumes that are influenced by bathymetry and examine their behavior.