11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
[BCG04-11] Upper Limit of the Activity of Anaerobic Microbial Ecosystem in the Early Earth
Keywords:Archean, Biogeochemistry
We found that the primary productivity of anaerobic biosphere under the hazy atmosphere is around 1.0 GtC/yr, independent of the thickness of the haze layer and the atmospheric CO2 level. In the hazy condition, formation rates of electron donors (H2 and CO) in the atmosphere decreases with development of haze, hence the biogenic methane flux and the haze formation rate is decreased. As a result, the maximum level of primary productivity due to anaerobic ecosystem is achieved at the clear-sky condition close to the boundary of the formation of haze. Interestingly, this maximum level is always around 1.5 GtC/yr (~3% of the present marine gross primary production), independent of values of parameters we considered. Thus, this maximum level corresponds to the upper limit of the activity level of anaerobic ecosystem in the early Earth. Once the supply of electron donors increases to allow the activity of anaerobic ecosystem to reach this critical level, haze is formed in the atmosphere and the activity level of anaerobic ecosystem decreases to ~1.0 GtC/yr. This upper limit is broadly consistent with the previous estimates of the primary production in the early Earth based on independent methods (Kharecha et al. 2005; Canfield, 2006; Hao et al., 2020). Even after the evolution of the oxygenic photosynthesis, the upper limit of the activity level of anaerobic ecosystem is almost the same. Based on these results, the evolution of the surface environments and the marine primary productions in the early Earth system will be discussed.