Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021

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H (Human Geosciences ) » H-CG Complex & General

[H-CG20] International comparison of landscape appreciation

Thu. Jun 3, 2021 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Ch.09

convener:yoji aoki(Open University of Japan)

5:15 PM - 6:30 PM

[HCG20-P02] Functional Assessment of the Outdoor Recreational Space in Matsudo Campus, Chiba University

*Zhao Yuqing1, Lu Tingyu1, Wang Huixin1, Nakamura Marina1, Luo Shixian1, Cheng Yu1, Liu Zhendong1, Katsunori Furuya1 (1.Chiba University)

Keywords:Campus landscape, leisure space, Functional Assessment

Campus landscape is always one of the key points when people introduce a university. Humans have a nature to be intimate with nature environment, and nature environment helps people get relief from stress and pressure which makes people love to take a rest in nature. For a student, the landscape environment of university campus plays an important role in study and casual time.
The indoor space contains most of the functions of a campus, technically teachers and students can keep staying indoor to finish their study. However, a campus is more like a multi-functional place to enrich their school life. In outdoor, or leisure space in a campus, it always carries more responsibilities than resting area. Teachers and students celebrate school festival and every year, bands give their live performance, baseball players practice throwing and catching ball, sometimes commencement is held on the lawn.
In outdoor, or leisure space in a campus, it always carries more responsibilities than resting area. Teachers and students celebrate school festival and every year, bands give their live performance, baseball players practice throwing and catching ball, sometimes commencement is held on the lawn.
In this study, our target is Matsudo Campus of Chiba University. The group will do site study on the current situation of how outdoor space is used for different functions in Matsudo Campus. The assessment will be based on data collected from students.