11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
[MGI29-09] Improving the salinity structure by AOEI in an EnKF-based ocean data assimilation system
Keywords:Ocean data assimilation, Ensemble Kalman filter, Adaptive observation error inflation, Salinity, Dynamical stability
To investigate the cause of the salinity degradation, we perform salinity budget analyses using outputs from the ocean data assimilation system. Here, we conserve all terms in the temperature and salinity budget equations and analysis increments. Also, we estimate density increments from temperature and salinity increments. Cooler and warmer temperature increments near the surface and in the sub-surface, respectively, weakens density stratification in the mid-latitude region. These result in stronger vertical diffusions of salinity and eventually lead to the degradation.
Innovation statistics of Desroziers et al. (2005) estimated from observations and ensemble forecasts imply that representation errors exist in the mid-latitude region with an abundance of fronts and eddies. Minamide and Zhang (2017) developed the adaptive observation error inflation (AOEI) method for all-sky satellite radiance data assimilation in the atmosphere to account for large differences of satellite radiances between cloudy and clear-sky conditions. Here we apply the AOEI method to the ocean data assimilation system for the first time to consider the representation errors in the mid-latitude region. The results show that the AOEI successfully decreases the temperature increments and reduces strong vertical diffusion, so that the salinity structure is greatly improved.