14:00 〜 14:15
[MGI31-02] Landscape of Community Development for Open Science and Data Sharing in Japan
キーワード:Open Science, Data Sharing, Community Engagement
Major discussion on Open Science in Japan has virtually started in 2013 triggered by G8 Science Ministers's statement including Open Research Data. Since then, the Japanese government and part of the scientific community including experts in funding agencies, research libraries, and publishing and journal editorial bodies etc. has been continuously working on policies, pilots, and practices practically applicable to the Japanese community. The Cabinet Office of Japan published a couple of related guidelines in past years, and other organizations including funders like Japan Science and Technology Agency and National Diet Library (only one unique national library in Japan) have been discussing and trying against this new challenge.
ISC (International Science Council; formerly ICSU)-WDS and ISC-CODATA national committees and experts in them have been the important international channels via Science Council of Japan (SCJ) to international open science and FAIR data sharing discussions. Recently SCJ, research institutions (including universities and national institutes), public funders and government agencies tend to be keen to join the discussion and eager to work on,e.g., data sharing policies and challenges on data infrastructures as well as licensing and data repositories/publications. It is still not on the way but the recent changes and challenges in Japan will be overviewed from the viewpoint of the authors.
ISC (International Science Council; formerly ICSU)-WDS and ISC-CODATA national committees and experts in them have been the important international channels via Science Council of Japan (SCJ) to international open science and FAIR data sharing discussions. Recently SCJ, research institutions (including universities and national institutes), public funders and government agencies tend to be keen to join the discussion and eager to work on,e.g., data sharing policies and challenges on data infrastructures as well as licensing and data repositories/publications. It is still not on the way but the recent changes and challenges in Japan will be overviewed from the viewpoint of the authors.