Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021

Presentation information

[J] Poster

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-IS Intersection

[M-IS14] Aqua planetology

Sat. Jun 5, 2021 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Ch.22

convener:Yasuhito Sekine(Earth-Life Science Insitute, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Takazo Shibuya(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Hidenori Genda(Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Keisuke Fukushi(Institute of Nature & Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University)

5:15 PM - 6:30 PM

[MIS14-P13] Formation mechanism of spherical concretions in Tatsukushi area: Possible analogy with spherical nodule in Gale crater, Mars

*Saki Asai1, Hitoshi Hasegawa1, Hidekazu Yoshida2, Minoru Ikehara1, Nagayoshi Katsuta3, Masakazu Nara1, Yui Tomonao1, Satoru Imai4 (1.Kochi University, 2.Nagoya University, 3.Gifu University, 4.Tosashimizu GeoPark)

Keywords:spherical concretion, organic matter origin, carbon isotope, Mars, Gale crater

On Earth, spherical carbonate (CaCO3) concretions are widely recognized. Many of these concretions are centered on fossils, and thought to be formed by decaying of soft body organic matter as carbon source. On the other hand, carbonate concretions are also formed by inorganic precipitation of calcite-saturated groundwater in arid environment. In addition, Fe-oxide encrusted concretions are found both on Earth (Utah and Mongolia) and Mars (Meridiani Planum). Yoshida et al. (2018) proposed that Martian Fe-oxide concretions are formed by dissolution of pre-existing carbonate concretions. They further suggested that spherical-shaped nodules in Gale crater can also formed by similar process, although shape and size of the Gale nodules are more variable. Here we report that spherical and variable-shaped concretions in Tatsukushi area, western Kochi, whose shapes are resembling to Gale nodules. In order to understand formation mechanisms of concretions in Tatsukushi area, we performed analyses of X-ray CT scan, elemental mapping, and stable carbon and oxygen isotope on samples of variable shapes of concretion. The results reveal that large-sized spherical-shaped concretion can be formed by organic matter origin. In this presentation, we will discuss the similarity of both concretions in Tatuskushi area and Gale crater.


Yoshida, H., Hasegawa, H., et al. (2018). Fe-oxide concretions formed by interacting carbonate and acidic waters on Earth and Mars. Science advances, 4(12), eaau0872.