Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021

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[O-04] Suggestion to teaching Earth science under GIGA school from online lesson

Sun. Jun 6, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Ch.01 (Zoom Room 01)

convener:Iida Kazuya(Komaba-Toho Junior and Senior High School), Iwata Makoto(Hiroshima Prefectural Ogaki High School), Satoshi Miyajima(Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya High School), Hiroaki Akimoto(Faculty of Economics,Dokkyo University), Chairperson:syo uranaka(Osaka Institute of Technology Graduate School), Hiroaki Akimoto(Faculty of Economics,Dokkyo University), Satoshi Miyajima(Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya High School), Iida Kazuya(Komaba-Toho Junior and Senior High School)

9:10 AM - 9:25 AM

[O04-02] The Potential of Online Learning to Realize "Independent and Interactive Deep Learning" in Elementary School Social Studies.

★Invited Papers

*Keiko Nakaya1 (1.Elementary School Affiliated to the Faculty of Education chiba university)

Keywords:Online learning, Hybrid learning, Microsoft Teams, Elementary school social studies

The new coronavirus pandemic forced schools to close temporarily. In our school, we started online learning for the whole school using a groupware called "Microsoft Teams" (hereinafter referred to as "Teams") during the school closure period in March.

In addition, the period from July 13th to July 31st was designated as the "online school period," and online learning was conducted in the same way as during the closed period. During this period, the third-grade social studies class focused on the city of Chiba and worked on the following topics: "Scenes in Chiba City" and "Changes in Scenes in Chiba City”. The students did not use the online learning methods of "synchronous classes" or "real-time interaction where students communicate with each other. But instead we have used the asynchronous class where students do not communicate in real time, but present and submit assignments using videos, worksheets, and the face-to-face class during the online school period and after the summer vacation.

Furthermore, we designed a hybrid type unit by efficiently combining face-to-face classes during the online school period and after the summer vacation.

Through this practice, it became clear that online learning is highly compatible with social studies teaching and learning, as materials and tasks can be easily shared and viewed, and research and study can be conducted without any time restrictions.

In the case of online learning, children who were not good at speaking found it enjoyable to interact with their friends in the form of chats and comments. We were able to provide a new way of interaction.

Nevertheless, it was also very effective to have the students take the time to research and study online, which would lead to discussion and learning during the school day. It was also unexpected that many of the children took advantage of the online classes to go to museums and libraries with their parents during the summer vacation. This was also an unexpected outcome. However, in case, when the school is forced to close again for a long period of time due to a sudden disaster or other reasons, a major issue will be how to realize the discussion activities and cooperative learning that had been conducted in face-to-face classes.