1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
[O07-P27] The Process of Raised-Bed River Formation and Factors that Affect It
Keywords:raised-bed river, alluvial fan, cross-sectional view, longitudinal view, overhead view
In this study, features of raised-bed rivers in Japan were measured using GSI Maps and some other kinds of maps in order to clarify ‘in what kinds of areas’ and ‘how’ raised-bed rivers are formed. As a result, two things were found; 1.The bed of a raised-bed river rises as sediment accumulates near the point at which the slope greatly changes so that the slope becomes more gentle, and that point moves downstream as the riverbed rises over time. 2.Some raised-bed rivers are wide in the upstream alluvial fan sections and get narrower in the downstream floodplain sections. It became clear that the formation of raised-bed rivers is related not only to human influence but also to landforms.