15:45 〜 16:00
[PAE16-08] Development of multiband imager MuSCAT3 and its first results on followup observations of TESS transiting planets
The successor of the Kepler space telescope, TESS, has been surveying ~80% of the entire sky to search for small planets transiting nearby stars, which can be prime targets for future atmospheric characterizasions. However, a large fraction of planetary candidates that TESS has been discovering are actually false positives, and ground-based followup observations are essential to identify true transiting planets. To validate such planetary candidates and further characterize them in detail, we have developed a new optical four-band imager MuSCAT3 for a 2m telescope at Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii. The first light of MuSCAT3 has scceeded in September 2020, and its science operation has started in November 2020. In this talk, we will introduce the characteristics of MuSCAT3, and show some scientific results obtained with this instrument, in coordination with two precedent instruments of MuSCAT in Japan and MuSCAT2 in Spain, for followup observations of TESS planetary candidates.