4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
[PEM11-24] Turbulent signatures in the Auroral Cusp Ionosphere based on sounding rocket observations
Keywords:Sounding rocket observations, Turbulence, Ionospheric Irregularities
The electron density of ICI-2 and ICI-3 missions have been analyzed using advanced time-series analysis techniques and a standard diagnostics for intermittent turbulence. The following parameters have been obtained: the autocorrelation function, that gives useful information about the correlation scale of the field [4]; the energy power spectra, which show the average spectral indexes ∼−1.7, not far from the Kolmogorov value observed at MHD scales [5], while a steeper power law is suggested below kinetic scales [6]. In addition, the PDFs of the scale-dependent increments display a typical deviation from Gaussian that increase towards small scales due to intense field fluctuations, indication of the presence of intermittency and coherent structures [7, 8, 9]. Finally, the kurtosis-scaling exponent [10, 11] reveals an efficient intermittency, usually related to the occurrence of structures.
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