*Atsuki Shinbori1, Yoshimasa Tanaka2, Norio Umemura1, Shuji Abe4, Satoru UeNo3
(1.Institute for Space-Earth Environment Research (ISEE), Nagoya University, 2.National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), 3.Observatory, Kyoto University, 4.ICSWSE, Kyushu University)
Keywords:IUGONET, Database, SPEDAS, Integrated analysis, International collaboration, Education support
The Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET) project [Hayashi et al., 2013], consisting of five institutes (Tohoku University, National Institute of Polar Research, Nagoya University, Kyoto University, and Kyushu University), has been initiated in 2009 so that users can effectively find and analyze solar and earth’s atmospheric observational data for promotion of studies of coupling processes of solar-terrestrial system. In this project, we have added data information for various kinds of ground-based observation data in the solar-terrestrial physics and built a practical database (IUGONET Type-A) to share them on the Internet. We have also developed several integrated data analysis tools (IUGONET Data Analysis Software: UDAS and UDAS egg: UDAS Easy Guide to Generate your load routines) as one of the functions of Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System (SPEDAS) [Angelopoulos et al., 2019] to analyze and visualize various kinds of ground-based and satellite observation data. In the IUGONET Type-A, users can easily learn characteristics of observation data through their quick look images/plots and how to use several basic commands to visualize the data. The IUGONET Type-A has a function of UDAS web (ASCII Downloader) to convert CDF into ASCII files on this website so that users can easily read and analyze the observational data with their own tools. Recently, we have started to develop the MATLAB software to deal with several IUGONET data so as to enhance international use of the IUGONET data in foreign countries (Indonesia, Malaysia etc.), where the MATLAB is widely used as a major data analysis tool. In order to promote interdisciplinary studies of coupling processes on the sun-earth system using the IUGONET data analysis system, we planned to hold tutorial seminars and workshops several times in Japan and foreign countries (India, Indonesia etc.). We also started a new promotion style corresponding to the Covid-19 pandemic all over the world. For example, we have held several online tutorial seminars of how to use the IUGONET products and opened several movies and textbooks of previous workshops on the IUGONET website so that users can learn how to deal with the IUGONET data anytime and anywhere. As a result, such our comprehensive activities led to agreement of the IUGONET project from many institutes and enhanced an international recognition and collaboration. Further, scientific discussion with the IUGONET users has been promoted in many countries, and many scientific papers [e.g., Kishore, 2020; Fazlul et al., 2019] and Master/Doctor theses have been continuously published. On the other hand, such the IUGONET activities having three objectives: development of integrated infrastructure, education support, and international collaborations have been recognized as a representative project to certainly create new scientific results also in administrative meetings. These facts imply that the IUGONET activities effectively work as an international platform, and that the IUGONET project is in the position enough to serve the subjects of a large research project: Study of coupling processes in the solar-terrestrial system (Master Plan 2020, Load Map 2014) through a collaboration with other ground-based and satellite observation plans and international programs. From the above situations, the common data analysis platform developed by the IUGONET project leads to new scientific results of coupling process in the solar-terrestrial system, human development and strong international cooperation to a whole equatorial region in future. Therefore, it can be concluded that the IUGONET activity plays an important role in promoting the equatorial and polar atmospheric observations, international collaboration and integrated data analysis, which are three main subjects of Master Plan 2020.