1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
[SCG39-07] Systematic understanding of the slip-front-propagation velocity in terms of Linear Marginal Stability Hypothesis
Keywords:slip-front-propagation velocity, friction law, Linear Marginal Stability Hypothesis
We should emphasize that the slip front has two forms: the intruding and extruding fronts (see details in Suzuki and Matsukawa, 2019). Actually, we have obtained the analytical solutions for omegai, and they are called omegain1, omegain2, and omegain3 for the intruding front, and omegaex1, omegaex2, and omegaex3 for the extruding front. Using these values and the relationship between ki and omegai, we have also obtained the analytical forms of ki, which are called kin1, kin2, and kin3 for the intruding front, and kex1, kex2, and kex3 for the extruding front. Therefore, we can write analytical forms for the intruding and extruding slip-front-propagation velocities, vinj=omegainj/kinj and vexj=omegaexj/kexj (j=1,2,3), respectively.
In terms of the solutions of vinj and vexj, the C1-C2 phase space is divided into 7 regions. They are the regions with (A) vin1, (B) vex1, (C) vin1 and vex2, (D) vex1 and vex3, (E) vin1, vex2, and vin3, (F) vin1, vex2, and vex3, and (G) no propagation velocity. In particular, we emphasize that there exists the region where vinj or vexj does not exist. This region cannot generate the steady slip-front-propagation, and may imply the generation of slow earthquakes from seismological viewpoint.