11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
[SCG46-10] Transition from viscous to inertial regime in dense frictional suspensions
Keywords:Granular, Rheology, Suspensions, Jamming, Friction
Depending on boundary condition and stress distribution, dense granular flows can shows two different regimes : (i) rate-independent quasi-static flow, for moderate shear rate deformation, partially well described by continuous viscous-plastic models, inspired by soils mechanics, and (ii) rate-dependent behaviour, in which shear a normal stresses shows a power law function of the shear rate deformation in volume imposed rheology. In this frame of work, jamming transition is presented in a classical viscous approach as a shear viscosity divergence. In order to unifies theses two regimes, a non-classical rheology is suggested, wherein normal pressure, P, is imposed on the sample instead of the volume. Thus, a non-classical-frictional approach is suggested, in which the effective friction coefficient, defined by the ratio of macroscopic shear and normal stresses, and the flowable global solid-volume fraction are meanly controlled by an empirical power-law function of the ratio of macroscopic shear rate deformation and the normal pressure (perpendicular to the gradient direction). Moreover, particle-fluid coupling rules on the algebraical effective rheological properties of granular suspension; while for low viscosity interstitial fluid, the rheology has a high influence of inertial effect, newtonian rheology become important for high viscosity regime.
We present here an experimental study of viscous-inertial transition for a dense suspension of non-colloidal rigid PMMA particles by varying systematically the interstitial fluid viscosity for a both : Pressure and Volume-imposed rheology. The effect of inter-particle interaction is also explored by changing the elastic properties of solid particles by manufacturing soft hydrogel particles suspended in a water solution of UCON oil.