2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
[SGC32-07] Halogen and noble gas compositions of mantle wedge and subducted sediment, recorded in metamorphic rocks from the Sanbagawa belt
Keywords:Mantle wedge, Sanbagawa belt, Halogen, Noble gas
In order to determine the trace amounts of halogens, especially those contained in fluid inclusions, a portion of each sample was neutron-irradiated in the Kyoto University Research Reactor to convert halogens (37Cl, 79Br and 127I) to noble gas isotopes (38Ar, 80Kr,128Xe), which have lower detection limits than direct analyses of halogens with other methods. Stepwise crushing and heating processes were conducted in order to extract volatiles contained in different sites of the rocks. The irradiated and un-irradiated portions were analyzed by noble gas mass spectrometry at the University of Tokyo, to determine halogen and noble gas compositions respectively.
The halogen compositions of fluids obtained by crush extraction show relatively high I/Cl ratios with stable Br/Cl ratios compared with halogens in MORB-mantle or seawater. These features are similar to the data for the nearby Higashi-akaishi mantle wedge peridotite exhumed from ~100 km depth (Sumino et al, 2010), which are considered to partially preserve the signals of sedimentary pore fluids. In addition, the serpentinite body shows overall decreasing I/Cl ratios with increasing distance from the subduction boundary. This supports the idea that the original high I/Cl fluids were transported along the subduction interface and penetrated upward into the mantle wedge.
The isotopic data of the noble gases are complex. Neon and Argon isotopic compositions are almost overwhelmed by the seawater/atmosphere component. Helium shows distinct and diverse 3He/4He ratios, which is likely to be strongly influenced by the cosmic ray, producing 3He preferentially. Nevertheless, a radiogenic 3He/4He component possibly derived from subducted crust/sediment was identified in the fluids extracted from the serpentinite body, which is similar to slab-derived fluids preserved in the Higashi-akaishi peridotite (Sumino et al, 2010). This adds support to the idea that the shallow part of mantle wedge has been influenced by addition of volatiles from the subducted slab.