3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
[SIT17-02] Atomic structure of CO2-bearing melts along the carbonatite-basalt join at high pressure and temperature
Keywords:High pressure, Melt structure, Carbonate-bearing melts, Paris-Edinburgh press, Vibrational spectroscopy, Mantle melting
The aim of this study was to investigate the atomic structure and vibrational properties of a variety of synthetic glasses representative of CO2-bearing melts (i.e. carbonatite-kimberlite-melilitite-nephelinite-picrite-basalt) as a function of the increasing SiO2 content, pressure and temperature.
The atomic structure of molten glasses was investigated at pressures of about 1-7 GPa and temperatures varying from about 1150 to 2000°C using the Paris-Edinburgh press installed at beamline 16BM-B of the Advanced Photon Source (Argonne, IL, USA) combined with synchrotron radiation to perform in situ multi-angle energy dispersive X-ray diffraction measurements. The vibrational properties were studied on the recovered quenched glasses using both micro-Raman and micro-reflectance-FTIR.
Preliminary results shed light on different compressibility mechanisms upon increasing pressure both in the intermediate-range ordering and in the local structure of melts. The position of the first sharp diffraction peak in the structure factor S(q) shows that kimberlitic, melilititic and nephelinitic melts display a much less closely packed structure with respect to volatile-free depolymerized silicate melts. Bond lengths between tetrahedrally coordinated cations, such as Si4+, Al3+, and oxygen (T-O) increase for all the compositions investigated in the experimental pressure range, with the exception of T-O lengths of the basalt melt where a turnover at about 4.5 GPa is observed as in Sakamaki et al. (2013).
The vibrational spectroscopic investigation shows significant changes in the speciation of C-O molecular bonds that likely reflect a more complex C-dominated atomic environment than what is known so far.
Gudfinnsson and Presnall 2005, J Petrol 46, 8, 1645-1659.
Sakamaki et al. 2013, Nat Geosci 6, 1041-1044.
Stagno 2019, J Geol Soc London 176, 375-387.