4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
[SIT21-07] Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Shock-Induced Structural Transformation of Silica Using Artificial Neural Network
★Invited Papers
Keywords:Molecular dynamics , Machine learning, Shock compression
To compute shock-compression behaviors within the framework of MD method, the multiscale-shock technique (Reed, 2003) was employed in our simulations. Potential energy of shock-compressed α-quartz obtained by first-principles MD (FPMD) method is used as a reference data for training of ANN-potential. As a result of ANN-MD simulation for elastic shock-wave region, elastic-deformation behaviors of α-quartz was successfully reproduced with high-accuracy (Misawa, 2020). On the other hand, for plastic shock-wave region, the ANN-potential has completely failed on prediction of both structure and energy, because of that irregular structure appears and rapid movement of atoms occurs during the elastic-to-plastic transition process.
In order to improve the predicting ability of ANN-potential, we introduce a more accurate training method that uses not only potential energy but also atomic force and pressure as reference data (Shimamura, 2020). Using this improved ANN-potential, it was succeeded that reproducing the elastic-to-plastic transition behavior and plastic deformation of α-quartz with an accuracy close to FPMD simulation. Thus, the ANN-potential trained with energy, force, and pressure is a potentially powerful tool to investigate wide range of far-from-equilibrium phenomena and will also provide useful information for solid earth physics field in future.
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M. Misawa et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 4536 (2020).
K. Shimamura et al., J. Chem. Phys. 153, 234301 (2020).