9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
[U01-04] Science Council of Japan: The System since the 20th Period
★Invited Papers
Keywords:The Science Council of Japan
The important changes implemented at the 20th Period are (1) the SCJ consists of 3 Sections instead of the former 7 divisions, (2) the members are elected by co-optation, and others. In the area of science familier with us, the most important change was, (3) whereas there were separate Kenkyu-Renraku-Iinkais for Geology, Geography, and Geophysics before the change, all of these disciplines were merged into a single disciplinary committee of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
This system was continued to the present day without big changes. Accordingly, we need to examine the system since 2005 to understand the problems the SCJ is facing today.