10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
[U05-06] Communicating uncertainty of geoscience for the disaster risk reduction -Geoscience, the ambiguous, and ourselves-
★Invited Papers
Keywords:uncertainty, communication, risk
In such a situation, geosciences are expected from society for disaster risk reduction, and geosciences have also tried to meet this expectation. For example, seismology has been making efforts to publish the National Seismic Hazard Maps announced by the government every year after the 1995 Kobe Earthquake.
Here I would like to report the results of a survey on how this information from geoscience is perceived by the public, taking the National Seismic Hazard Map as an example.
We calculate the probability of a certain place to be affected by a ground motion of seismic intensity 6 or more within the next 30 years, then color it from yellow to brown on the Japan map to overview the earthquake occurrence risk. We investigated how the public perceives this map (Nagamatsu et.al., 2017), and the results showed that people seeing the map had reduced their risk perception. Earthquakes will occur everywhere in Japan, and in fact, some of the damaging earthquakes have occurred in the low probability area. It is an ironic result that the map prepared by the government to encourage earthquake countermeasures reduce the public awareness of disaster prevention at least to those who live in areas with low probabilities.
When geoscience gives out useful information to society, it is always accompanied by uncertainty. To express this uncertainty, we introduce probability, but it does not seem to be a good communication to the public. How should we communicate uncertainty? I would like to introduce an activity called "disaster prevention novel" which is being conducted at a junior high school.
The "disaster prevention novel" was introduced into the Shimizu Junior High School in Kochi prefecture. It is the only junior high school in this city of Tosashimizu, which is facing the Pacific Ocean and told to face devastating tsunamis in the forthcoming Nankai-trough Earthquake. The "disaster prevention narratives" are written by the students provided the detailed date and time of the Nankai-trough Earthquake occurrence in about a month by the school teachers. The main characters are themselves, living in their actual neighborhood. Other characters are real people too. One important requirement is that the stories end with hope.
Let us review this "disaster prevention novel" in terms of communicating the uncertainty of an earthquake. The present earthquake science cannot accurately predict when an earthquake occurs. And, if "When" cannot be designated, the accompanied damage anticipation can also be ambiguous. For example, the degree of fire disaster depends on the time of the earthquake. The uncertainty of earthquake occurrence leads to the uncertainty of damage anticipation.
In the activity of "disaster prevention novel", the school designates the date and time of earthquake occurrence. Nobody thinks this is a true earthquake prediction. It is one of the educational considerations that one can think about his/her own evacuation behavior with the detailed occurrence time. In the novels, the way tsunamis inundate the town is depicted in different ways by students. Some students describe fires, and others write about landslides. The 90 students anticipate and express the damage in 90 ways. This expresses the uncertainty and ambiguity of the forthcoming Nankai-trough Earthquake.
In the following year, students wrote the "disaster prevention novel" in different seasons, different times, and different weather settings. This led students, parents, and locals to come up with various assumptions. The unavoidable uncertainties from geosciences can be expressed in this way without introducing probabilities.