3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
[U07-02] Current status and issues of PEPS journal
★Invited Papers
Keywords:PEPS, Impact Factor, CiteScore
Here, we will introduce the current status of PEPS, which is in its 7th year of publication, and issues to be improved. The 2019 Impact Factor and CiteScore of PEPS were 2.058 and 3.8, respectively. The estimated values for 2020 were 3.0 and 4.6 respectively, showing steady development. During this time. PEPS introduced the Most cited paper award, Most downloaded paper award, and introduction of SPEPS to promote submission. PEPS also introduced Rules for Dealing with Suspected Malpractice Associated with Papers Submitted to PEPS. PEPS needs to deal with several unachieved issues such as publication of more than 20% review articles and to promote further submission. We are considering to introduce several procedures such as encouraging academic societies to submit review articles, improving the article category to promote the submission of synthesis articles, and introducing PEPS most citation prize. There are issues that need to be considered in the future, such as operational problems of Rules for Dealing with Suspected Malpractice and data repository for submitted articles.