1:45 PM - 2:05 PM
[U15-01] JpGU's activities on gigantic earthquakes and tsunamis, 10 years since Great East Japan disasters
★Invited Papers
Keywords:Great East Japan disaster, gigantic earthquake, tsunamis
The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and tsunamis, subsequent devastating damages, and the accidents of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were the most shocking severest natural hazards for the Japan Geoscience Union that was established in 2005. Before the great Tohoku disasters, the damages from natural hazards were not so severe and extensive as in 2011, so individual scientific organizations conducted researches by itself. However, the severity and the magnitude of the damages from the hazards and accidents in 2011 urged organized cooperative efforts of scientific organizations to study the hazards and disasters. The Japan Geoscience Union, as a unique organization consisted of most earth and planetary science societies in Japan, started to support these cooperative efforts immediately after the disasters. In the earliest days after the disasters, dissemination of information on the post earthquake investigation for better coordination of many groups through the internet was an important task of the Union. Information gathering and distribution have been carried out through the Union web pages, news letters, and scientific journals continuously. However, the most important activity of the Union is the annual meeting. For the advancement and promotion of the research on gigantic earthquakes and tsunamis, environmental effects of nuclear accidents, and disaster mitigation as well the sessions of the JpGU annual meetings have been the most important arena for scientists. Reviewing the activities in the past 10 years since the Great East Japan disasters, we will understand our missions to prepare for the future gigantic earthquakes and tsunamis.