Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Presentation information

[J] Poster

G (General ) » General

[G-05] Understanding of geology and interaction between the earth, nature and culture through the Geoparks(Poster)

Sun. May 29, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (26) (Ch.26)

convener:Noritaka Matsubara(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), convener:Kyohei Sano(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), Suzuka Koriyama(Itoigawa city), convener:Hokuto Obara(Mine-Akiyoshidai Karst Plateau Geopark Promotion Council), Chairperson:Noritaka Matsubara(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), Kyohei Sano(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo)

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

[G05-P14] Regional development through guiding activities and partnership in San'in Kaigan UNESCO Global Geopark.

Asada Eisuke1, *Fujihara Yuki1 (1.San'in Kaigan Geopark Promotion Council)

Keywords:UNESCO Global Geopark, Partnership, Tourism, Sustainable development

In January 2020, the San'in Kaigan UNESCO Global Geopark revised its Master Plan and Action Plan. Based on the new Mater Plan and Action Plan, all the geopark activities are aimed to be conducted under the six pillars of concepts, such as Protection/Conservation, Education and Research/Study, Promotion of Industry/Tourism, Collection and Transmitting Information, Resident Participation, Network Activities and Management systems.
Focusing on the pillar of "Industrial Promotion and Tourism," which is the pillar particularly strengthening our efforts are given, the San'in Kaigan Geopark Promotion Council signed the first partnership agreement with three local businesses in November 2021, To conclude official partnership agreements with businesses, etc. is not only recommended to the UNESCO Global Geopark, but also is expected to contribute to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). The contents of the agreement lead to strengthening cooperate and solidarity in efforts such as sustainable development of the San'in Kaigan Geopark area, dissemination of the attractiveness of the San'in Kaigan, promotion of sustainable local industry and tourism, and environmental conservation. Based on these, each company is developing geopark activities that utilize local resources in a sustainable manner, such as tourism promotion that utilizes local nature and development of original products. In this presentation, we will introduce the cooperation between the business operators and the San'in Kaigan Geopark Promotion Council, the construction of a cooperative system, and the synergistic effects accompanying them.