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セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-CG 地球人間圏科学複合領域・一般

[H-CG22] 景観・レクリエーション評価に関する国際会議

2022年5月29日(日) 11:00 〜 13:00 オンラインポスターZoom会場 (13) (Ch.13)

コンビーナ:青木 陽二(放送大学)、コンビーナ:高山 範理(国立研究開発法人森林研究・整備機構森林総合研究所)、劉 銘(東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科)、座長:青木 陽二(国立環境研究所)

11:00 〜 13:00

[HCG22-P05] 回遊式日本庭園における景観構成と心理評価に関する研究--柴又帝釈天の邃渓園を例として

羅 雨欣1、*馬 若晨1、金 依依1、姜 和言1、向 港1、中村 満理奈1、謝 静1、古谷 勝則1 (1.千葉大学)


Japanese circuit-style garden is very important in the history of gardening around the world due to its special way of sight-seeing and beautiful scenery. In particular, the elements of landscape composition in traditional gardening techniques are intentional manipulations, which can be said to be useful clues for modern landscape design.

Taking Shibamata Taishakuten Suikei Garden as the research object, this study focuses on the ornamental landscape of Japanese circuit-style garden as a viewpoint and analyzes the composition of the landscape seen from the viewing route and psychological evaluation. With the grid analytical method, photos were divided into 6 different groups. According to the landscape elements and compositions, each group was summarized into a landscape model.

After getting the data from PSD scale and psychological evaluation, we can get the results as following. 1. Photos of number 1, 2, 6, 8 had high marks in evaluation and can be divided into group-1 and group-3. Group-1 represents the model of parallel composition with the trees in line on the back and some shrubs or stones on the grass as a foreground, while Group-3 represents another landscape model of surrounding type, with the background of architecture and foreground of trees, shrubs and stones surrounding the water. So in these types, because of the abundant sky, green space and water, people are more likely to feel about space, nature, prospect, serene and rich in species. 2. Photo of number 11 got the lowest mark and can be divided into group-5. It represents the model of many stones surrounding the green space. In this type, because of a lack of sky, water and grass, people are not satisfied with nature, prospect and rich in species. 3. Photo of number 5, which was divided into group-6, also got a low mark. This model can represent the landscape that framed by corridor. But since the architecture occupies too much space, lacking of other elements caused the unsatisfied with nature, prospect and rich in species. Basing on these results, we can come to the conclusion that 1.The dimension of social is usually connected with the elements of trees and architecture. These two elements can easily create an enclosure for people to probably do some social activities, so the more semi-closed space may cause higher awareness of social.2.The dimension of space is closely related to the element of sky. Since the definition of space is described into a spacious and undisturbed environment, it may represent that sky can bring the feelings of spacious and quietness, which enable people to feel relax.3.The dimension of nature clearly has the relationship with nature elements, like greenery, sky or water and the artificial elements of architecture. When the architecture occupies too much in the landscape, people will feel like of lacking nature in this garden.4.The dimension of refuge is linked to shrubs according to the result, which is quite different from our inference of relating to the element of architecture.5.The dimension of prospect is related with the elements of sky and water to a large extent. However, the obstructions, like tall trees and architecture, may have some negative impact on the dimension of prospect.6.The dimension of serene is related with greenery, especially the element of trees. But if there is water in the landscape, it will relate with serene mostly. 7.The dimension of culture is doubtlessly linked with the elements of architecture and decoration. Sometimes it also has the relationship with plants because the shrubs and trees in traditional circuit-style garden are always cut into unique styles by human beings.8.The dimension of rich in species is obviously related to greenery, especially trees and shrubs. However, the result also shows that if the landscape lacks trees and shrubs, the amount of grass may influence the result.