

[J] 口頭発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-CG 地球人間圏科学複合領域・一般

[H-CG26] 気候変動への適応とその社会実装

2022年5月24日(火) 13:45 〜 15:15 301A (幕張メッセ国際会議場)

コンビーナ:山野 博哉(国立環境研究所)、コンビーナ:石川 洋一(海洋研究開発機構)、大楽 浩司(筑波大学)、コンビーナ:田村 誠(茨城大学地球・地域環境共創機構)、座長:山野 博哉(国立環境研究所)、石川 洋一(海洋研究開発機構)、大楽 浩司(筑波大学)、田村 誠(茨城大学地球・地域環境共創機構)

14:15 〜 14:30

[HCG26-03] Socioeconomic scenarios for S-18 project research

*吉川 沙耶花1、三村 信男1 (1.茨城大学)


Climate change is one of the greatest long-term challenges facing humanity. In the prediction of climate change impacts, scenarios based on assumptions about future conditions are commonly used. Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) are widely employed as socioeconomic scenarios for future global-scale predictions. SSPs provide future projections of population and gross domestic product for each of five regions worldwide. However, the SSPs are not suitable for detailed assessment in Japan, as they include only information for five major regions. To meet one of the S-18 project goals of nationally unified prediction of climate change impacts across multiple sectors in Japan, we established common socioeconomic scenarios designated the JapanSSP1, JapanSSP5, and Status quo scenarios based on a literature review. JapanSSP1 and JapanSSP5 are based on qualitative links to global SSPs, characterized by sustainable development and fossil fuel usage. The Status quo scenario assumes no change in the future from current conditions in Japan. Moreover, we provide a common dataset of population and land use under these scenarios. The population data were obtained from existing population projections, and the land use data were estimated according to population changes and current land use classification. Here, we detail the dataset prepared for S-18 project research and discuss possibilities for its improvement.