2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
[MGI30-02] Open Science and Geoscience Journal of Japan
Keywords:open access, journal, data-repository
To create our data-repository is another issue to be considered in our geoscience community. The Science Council of Japan is discussing on creation of the data-repository in Japan, since many geoscientists use the data-repositories abroad at present. There may be various ways for creating our data-repository. Many researchers in universities still have problems to use data-repositories of their own university since the repositories are not yet established due to their financial and personnel limitations and variety of covered areas. We need more time to establish the data-repository in our universities. There are national institutes which already have their own excellent data-repositories but limit their use for their own activity. Extension of these existing repositories could be a possible solution. Recently, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), running the J-stage journal platform in Japan, created a data-repository called the J-stage data, and started to operate as a data-repository for many journals using this journal platform. It may be another solution to evolve it as a national data-repository. Creation of our own data-repository is one of the important issues for open science in Japanese science community.