Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Presentation information

[J] Oral

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[O-02] Understanding of geology and interaction between the earth, nature and culture through the Geoparks (Oral Invited Lecture)

Sun. May 22, 2022 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 302 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Noritaka Matsubara(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), convener:Hikaru Yokoyama(Hokusho University), Suzuka Koriyama(Itoigawa city), convener:Kyohei Sano(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), Chairperson:Azusa Tonotani(Geopark Promotion office in Miyoshi city), Jun Nagao(Mt.Kurikoma Area Geopark Promotion Committee), Suzuka Koriyama(Itoigawa city), Takumi Sakakiyama(Shikoku Seiyo Geopark Promotion Council)

2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

[O02-05] Conveying the Connections Between the Geology, Nature, and Culture of the Oki Islands Geopark: Observations in a Changing Management Structure

★Invited Papers

*Ryosuke Ikenaga1 (1.Oki Islands UNESCO Global Geopark Promotion Committee)

Keywords:geopark, Oki Islands, Sea of Japan, legal personality

Located 40–80 km off the coast of Shimane Prefecture, Japan, the Oki Islands Geopark is composed of four inhabited islands and around 180 uninhabited islands. The islands were formed by volcanic activity which began about six million years ago, and their geology mainly features alkali rock, a type of rock which is rare in the Japanese archipelago. The oldest geological feature in the area, Oki metamorphic rock which formed 250 million years ago, is the same kind of rock that is found in continental regions such as the Korean Peninsula. The distribution of this rock serves as evidence that the Japanese archipelago was once part of the continent.
Although they were formed as volcanic islands, the Oki Islands also experienced periods when they were connected to Japan’s main island Honshu. These peninsula periods alternated with island periods due to the changes in sea level brought about by climate change. As a result of this alternation, the ecosystem of the region was greatly influenced, leading to features such as the mixing of northern-climate and southern-climate plants. On the other hand, the human history and culture of the Oki Islands traces back to the use and circulation of obsidian, a product of volcanic activity. Among the industry and lifestyles of the people on the islands today, there are many things which developed based on the terrain and geology of the region.
The role of the Geopark is to convey the connections between the geology, nature, and culture of the region, and to enhance the value of their respective knowledge. In the 2020 fiscal year, the Oki Islands Geopark management body gained legal personality, which has helped with this role. Compared to being a private organization, this new status lowers the hurdle for cooperating with other organizations, and allows for more direct involvement in regional development. From the 2022 fiscal year, the organization is merging with the Oki Islands Tourism Association, which we hope will lead to further development of these changes. I will present some of the impressions and merits of this type of organization.