Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[E] Oral

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-HW Hydrology & Water Environment

[A-HW18] Material transportation and cycling at the land-sea interface: from headwaters to the ocean

Fri. May 26, 2023 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM 105 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Takahiro Hosono(Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University), Syuhei Ban(The University of Shiga Prefecture), Mitsuyo Saito(Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University), Adina Paytan(University of California Santa Cruz), Chairperson:Adina Paytan(University of California Santa Cruz)

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

[AHW18-10] Anthropogenic impacts on water resources and nutrient flux in Asian coastal megacities

*Shin-ichi Onodera1, Mitsuyo Saito1, Anna Fadliah Rusydi2, Jianyao Chen3, Iwan Ridwansyah2 (1.Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, 2.BRIN, 3.San Yat Sen University)

Keywords:Asian coastal megacities, Water resources, Nutrient fluxes

In Asian megacities, human activities (e.g. urbanization, agriculture, aquaculture etc.) cause degradation of water resources and increase the loads of nutrients and sediments in the coastal area. It is a big challenge to establish the framework of quality management (QM) for water resources (WR) and nutrient flux (NF) in the developing Asian megacities (AMCs) for sustainable water use and ecosystem conservation. To achieve the goal, the purpose of this research is quantifying the WR and NF for appropriate QM in coastal AMCs with different urbanization stages (USs) which consists four specific objects as follows: 1) Assessment of current WR and NF statuses considering vulnerability and resilience to water pollution, 2) Reconstruction of NF history, 3) Future scenario of WR and NF under climate extreme and human impacts, and 4) Framework of QM for WR and NF.

This work was supported by APN Project (CRRP2019-09MY-Onodera, PI: Shin-ichi Onodera) and JSPS Project (21KK0192, PI: Shin-ichi Onodera).