14:00 〜 14:15
[ATT29-02] Study of systematic errors on the very short-term prediction of heavy localized precipitation obtained with a 4D neural network.
キーワード:Machine learning, Nowcast, Radar, Phased-Array Weather Radar, Torrential rain
A neural network (NN) for real-time nowcasting has been developed. It successfully predicts the onsets of sudden storms on meso-γ-scale (2-20 km) where conventional approaches fail. It uses the Multi-Parameter Phased-Array Weather Radar (MP-PAWR) operating in Saitama prefecture (Japan) which provides dense 3D observations of individual convective cells every 30 sec. The NN is a recurrent neural network enhanced with 3D spatial convolutions and it is trained with the method developed for Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). In this study we present the latest results obtained with the model with a special focus on systematic errors found in the nowcasts. Methods to mitigate them will be discussed.