

[J] オンラインポスター発表

セッション記号 B (地球生命科学) » B-CG 地球生命科学複合領域・一般

[B-CG07] 地球史解読:冥王代から現代まで

2023年5月26日(金) 10:45 〜 12:15 オンラインポスターZoom会場 (20) (オンラインポスター)

コンビーナ:小宮 剛(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻)、加藤 泰浩(東京大学大学院工学系研究科システム創成学専攻)、鈴木 勝彦(国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構・海底資源センター)、中村 謙太郎(東京大学大学院工学系研究科システム創成学専攻)

現地ポスター発表開催日時 (2023/5/25 17:15-18:45)

10:45 〜 12:15

[BCG07-P08] Paleoenvironmental changes across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary based on marine Os isotopic records

*村井 亮太1黒田 潤一郎1、向井 一勝2、岡田 有希3、吉田 夏子3鈴木 勝彦4堀 利栄3 (1.東京大学、2.熊本大学、3.愛媛大学、4.海洋研究開発機構)


The Triassic-Jurassic Boundary (~201.4 Ma) is marked by one of the “Big Five” mass extinctions in Phanerozoic. Before this event, the presence of stepwise extinction events in the Late Triassic was indicated (Rigo et al., 2020). The igneous activities of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Provinces, emplaced in the Pangea and related to its breakup, have been recognized as the main trigger of the End-Triassic Mass Extinction. However, their linkages are still poorly understood. To solve this problem, it is necessary to examine the paleoenvironmental changes through the end-Triassic time period.
The marine osmium (Os) isotopic compositions (187Os/188Os) vary in response to relative contributions from three sources: upper continental crust (187Os/188Os =~1.3), upper mantle (~0.13) and extraterrestrial materials (~0.13). Currently, temporal variation of marine Os isotopic compositions through the Late Triassic have not been well constrained.
In this study, we measured Os and rhenium (Re) concentrations and Os isotopic records of Late Triassic to earliest Jurassic sediments (bedded chert successions) from New Zealand (PakⅤ section, Pakihi Island) and Japan (AY and Miyanoura section, Akehama area, Ehime Prefecture), all of which were deposited in the Panthalassa Ocean, and calculated the initial Os isotopic compositions during deposition. The bedded cherts may have recorded the global changes of Os isotopic compositions because they are pelagic sediments, which are likely to be influenced by few local effects. Subsequently, we correlated the 187Os/188Os records obtained in this study with other sites previously reported (e.g., Kuroda et al., 2010; Sato et al., 2021) based on biostratigraphy records shown in previous researches. Based on the correlation, we discuss the fluctuation of global Os isotopic compositions and its paleoenvironmental significance, mainly its connection to extinction events.

Kuroda et al. (2010) Geology 38, 1095-1098
Rigo et al. (2020) Earth Sci. Rev. 204, 103180
Sato et al. (2021) Chem. Geol. 586, 120506